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Apr 02, 2022
In General Discussions
Company culture can mean something different to everyone, depending on which company you’re talking to. With some of the world’s top companies leading the way, there has been a lot more discussion around what exactly company culture is and what value it has. We’re going to take a look at some of the more meaningful approaches to company fax number database culture—beyond the fridge of beer and ping pong table—and share some insights into what company culture means to us at 99designs. isometric illustration of company culture with teams working together in an office Every organisation has its own company culture. It is reflected in the way people in an organisation work together and treat each other. Illustration by AndresEs. Company culture is a lot more than perks, though it is of course nice to have catered lunch. If we dig deeper into what workplace culture really means fax number database and how it can be nurtured, we need to talk about communication style and tone, trust, responsibility, vulnerability. Then those material perks are a visible extension of that—though of course perks lose their value without the deeper culture behind them. Why does company culture matter? — Your company culture matters because by establishing your values and mission, you will attract the right people who vibe with what you want to achieve. In this piece proposing that company culture should be treated like a product, Emma Brudner, the Director of People Operations of travel management app says, “When culture isn’t defined and you’re fax number database relying on an assortment of perks to fill the gap, you always have to keep up with what your competitors are offering.” Brudner goes on to say that a product that relies on “meaningless bells and whistles” to stand out won’t last long in the market, and the same can be applied to your company culture. When you’re relying on an assortment of perks to fill the gap, you always have to keep up with what your competitors are offering. tips:
Apr 02, 2022
In General Discussions
How people perceive your brand personality is subjective—but extremely important. Dairy Queen seems nice, don’t they? We wouldn’t mind having them fax number database over for dinner. We could probably sit them at the same end of the table as those other beloved brands Dove Soap and Cheerios. They’re not like that boorish Uber—we wouldn’t want to associate with uncouth brand personality types like that. As consumers, we often have very strong and very personal gut reactions to brands—the same way we do to certain people. We see ads, social media posts and news articles and think, “ I have a good feeling about them,” or “there’s something about them that I just don’t like.” brand personality illustration Illustration by OrangeCrush These emotional connections have a direct impact on sales and business. According to Harvard Business School, 95% of fax number database purchasing decisions are based on feelings instead of logic. People tend to choose the brands that appeal to their subconscious, or “gut,” so brands that present themselves in a human and personal way do better than brands that rely on statistics or rationality. In other words, having a great product or service isn’t enough, you need a great brand personality to match. But what does that mean? What is brand personality and how can it improve business? In this guide, we’ll run through the basics of shaping your brand personality, so you know how to put your best foot forward and raise an army of loyal fax number database customers. Think of it like charm school for your business optics. What is brand personality? — Brand personality is a set of characteristics attributed to a brand in the eyes of a customer. A brand’s personality is what shapes the public perception of a brand based on how it acts, what is says and what it looks like. So, when we say “brand personality,” we’re talking about the company’s reputation or demeanor (or the impression that psychotherapists call “felt sense”).


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